olympic competitors for suriname in Chinese
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- suriname
- n. 苏里南〔拉丁美洲〕。
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- flag of suriname
- 苏里南国旗; 苏利南国旗
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- republic of suriname
- 苏里南共和国; 苏利南共和国
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- sur suriname
- 苏里南(苏利南)
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- olympic
- adj. 奥林匹亚的;奥林匹斯山的。 the Olympic games 1. (古希腊祭祀宙斯神每四年举行一次的)体育和文艺竞赛大会。 2.奥林匹克世界运动大会〔1896年在雅典首次举行,以后每四年举行一次〕。
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What is the meaning of olympic competitors for suriname in Chinese and how to say olympic competitors for suriname in Chinese? olympic competitors for suriname Chinese meaning, olympic competitors for suriname的中文,olympic competitors for suriname的中文,olympic competitors for suriname的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.